Are you remodeling your kitchen or your bathroom? Don't forget about the importance of updating your electrical work. Homeowners in Bloomfield, Montclair and Livingston, NJ turn to Tosone Electric Inc. for expert electrical remodeling services. Whether you're adding a new oven or new bathroom lighting, you can rest assured our team will handle the task.
We can help with lighting design, too. Just ask a member of our team what we can do for your home.
Electrical remodeling is serious business. One mess-up could lead to costly hospital bills or even permanent health concerns. Our team knows the proper safety protocols for electric work, and we have the right tools to do the job. Invest in professional electrical services instead of risking your property or your safety.
Call 973-746-8888 now to schedule a consultation with an electrician in Bloomfield, Montclair or Livingston, NJ.